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Learning Opportunities
This puzzle can be solved using the following concepts. Practice using these concepts and improve your skills.
Your task is to implement a simplified QR code reader for ASCII Art, decoding the information that is stored inside the data area.Structure
Data are encoded in binary format (0,1).
- W, H: Width and Height in characters
- 3 Position detection markers located at the three corners (top left and right, bottom left), surrounded by no data zone (spaces of 1 character thick). Each position detection marker is indicated by a 5x3 rectangle made up of
- 1 alignment marker near the bottom right corner (3 characters from right border, 1 character from bottom), without surrounding no data zone. The alignment marker is indicated by a 3x3 square made up of
- Data area: all the remaining positions inside the rectangle W x H. A space is a 0, every ASCII which is not space character is a 1
- Mask pattern: a checkerboard pattern rectangle W x H of 0s and 1s.
The Mask pattern starts from the bit in the lower right corner set to 1 and does not stop at restricted areas. For example:
The raw data (as bitstream) starts from the lower right corner, then it goes upwards (as happens in real QR codes). Every time the bitstream comes across the no data zone (or the borders), it moves left and changes direction (downwards, etc.). If it hits the alignment marker, the bitstream just crosses the marker straight.
Below is an example of a 20x10 (WxH) QR code using the letters to simulate the sequence. The data starts from the lower right corner (uppercase
| @ |.uRaXgDmJ.| @ |
| @ |.BkHqNwTc+-+nKb
Data Encoding
Raw data are encoded in binary where a
Every bit of the raw data is XORed with the mask pattern.
data|pattern| result
0 | 0 | 0
0 | 1 | 1
1 | 0 | 1
1 | 1 | 0
The raw data are repeated until all the space available in QR code is filled. There is always room for a full copy of the raw data, subsequent copies may be truncated.
Inside one copy of the raw data (bitstream) the structure is:
BOM + Text + EOM
BOM (8 bit)
Text (sequence of 7 bit ASCII chars)
EOM (7 bit)
BOM: Begin of message, 8 bits.
Value=0b1xxxxxxx means Text is not encrypted,
Value=0b0xxxxxxx means that the Text is encrypted. The encryption KEY is the 7 bits (least significant bits) of BOM.
EOM: End of message. Value=0b0000000 7 bits.
Encryption algorithm
Only when the first bit of the BOM is 0, the Text is encrypted.
The KEY is XORed with all the bits of the remaining data (Text+EOM).
References: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code
Line 1: integer W for the width of the QR code
Line 2: integer H for the height of the QR code
Next H lines: The ASCII QR code.
Line 2: integer H for the height of the QR code
Next H lines: The ASCII QR code.
The message encoded in the QR code (only the first copy).
12 ≤ W ≤ 100
8 ≤ H ≤ 100
The output message consists of ASCII characters only.
8 ≤ H ≤ 100
The output message consists of ASCII characters only.
17 13 +---+ # # +---+ | @ | ### | @ | +---+ # +---+ ## ## # #### #### # # ##### # ## # ### #### # # ## # ## ## ##### # # # # ## +-+### +---+ ###|X|## | @ | #### +-+# # +---+ # ## ##
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