  • 36



You have to calculate the total parking fees and count the number of vehicles which cannot be parked because no empty parking slot is available.

There are 7 car slots and 2 motorbike slots in the car park.

Parking is charged at the following rates:
- 1.2 euros per 15 minutes (note) for cars
- 0.7 euros per 15 minutes (note) for motorbikes
- Free if a vehicle stays for strictly less than 30 minutes
- Full day (a vehicle that is still in the car park at the end of the day) fixed-price: 30 euros
Note: Parking time is rounded up to the nearest 15 minute interval. For example, the parking fee for 35 minutes is equal to 45 multiplied by the relevant rate.

10:00 > C456 M001 M002 M003 means at 10:00 1 car and 3 motorbikes arrive at the car park. Only the car and the 2 first motorbikes will be parked. The third motorbike cannot be parked since there are only 2 motorbike slots.
11:00 < C456 M001 M002 means at 11:00 the car and the 2 motorbikes leave the car park.

Output will be:
10.4 0 1
- 10.4 is the total parking fees (in euros) for the day, which is the sum of
(a) parking fee from the car: 1.2 euros * 4 (1 hour = 15 minutes * 4)
(b) parking fees from the 2 motorbikes: 0.7 euros * 4 + 0.7 euros * 4
- 0 is the total number of cars which cannot be parked
- 1 is the total number of motorbikes which cannot be parked
Line 1: An integer H for the number of lines to read.
Next H lines: Details of the cars and motorbikes which arrive at or depart from the park in the format of time direction vehicles, e.g. 10:05 > C111 C222 C123 M485 M123.
time: in HH:MM 24-hour format
direction: > for arrival, < for departure
vehicles: list of registration numbers, one for each vehicle. Registration numbers of cars start with C. Registration numbers of motorbikes start with M.
total_fees cars_not_parked motorbikes_not_parked
total_fees: total parking fees in euros, shown with 1 decimal place
cars_not_parked: total number of cars that cannot be parked
motorbikes_not_parked: total number of motorbikes that cannot be parked
All the times provided in the input refer to the same day.
Assume all parking slots are empty at the beginning of the day.
10:00 > C456 M001 M002 M003
11:00 < C456 M001 M002
10.4 0 1

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