You are given an integer n. In the next n lines you get the whole code. You must return whether the code is valid - that means the brackets are valid. You don't have to check anything else. If there are no brackets, return No brackets, if it is valid - Valid, otherwise Invalid
Brackets to check for in code: ( ) { } [ ]
There can be brackets in strings and you have to ignore them. That means, ignore everything that is in quotes "ignore (this)".
All string will be valid: they will open and close. But there can be escapes. For example: "some \" string\" \\ -_-"
There will be no comments in code.
There will be no empty lines.
Line 1: An integer n for the number lines of code.
Next n lines: A line of code.
Line 1 : Valid, Invalid or No brackets
console.log("Hello World!");