CodinGame would not be what it is without its community. The platform is yours, and your passion for it makes it alive and helpful. A lot of CodinGamers are presenting great content around CodinGame and we thought it would be very interesting to put them under the spotlight.
If you’ve missed the first episode, you can check it here.

Performing in Contests with Manwe

10 contests, one-time winner, 8 times in the top 100, we could say Manwe has some good experience of programming competitions. He’s really excited about Codebusters and he has some surprise for you!
Right after Smash the Code contest, he contacted us because he wanted to share with the community a set of tools he had built and used during the contest. After participating in so many programming competitions, he had indeed accumulated a lot of code:

“I have created a tool to gather code in classes from different packages in the same class. I’ve also got tools to help me develop AIs, from the previous contests. For example: time management tools, tools to do minimax, genetic algorithm, vector calculations… I tested all of this on Smash the Code and it was kind of nice!

I’d like to share this with the community and open it to external contributions.”

Thank you Manwe!

Link to Manwe’s tips for Codebusters
Link to his GitHub project competitive-programming

Replix Lands on Mars with Kotlin

Mars Lander is a classic CodinGame puzzle. It has an easy version, a medium one and a very hard one. Have you tried to resolve it using a generic algorithm? Replix has done his first experiment with it on Mars Lander puzzle using Kotlin. And he shared it on Medium. If you were looking for an opportunity to find out about genetic algorithms and/or Kotlin, here it is.

“I’d like to see Kotlin supported on CodinGame.”

Kotlin is indeed not supported on CodinGame. Yet… So don’t hesitate to show your love for Kotlin! Thank you Replix!

Link to the Medium article

Manwe and Momopouccino are Hosting CodinHubs

As you might have heard, we’re experimenting the concept of CodinHub for next contest Codebusters. The idea is simple: join other CodinGamers to spend some time together coding on Codebusters.

Manwe (him again!) has arranged with his company Murex to host a CodinHub the 28th of June in Paris.
Momopouccino is also hosting one with Econocom, sponsor of the contest. It will be in Lyon the 3rd of July.

Note finally that CodinGame (us, yes!) is hosting a CodinHub for the launch of Codebusters this Saturday here in Montpellier.

To join one of these hubs, the best is to send an email to the organizer. Some CodinGamers have expressed their wish to join a CodinHub in other cities, so it’s not too late to contact them!

Thank you both for organizing CodinHubs! We can’t wait to see photos 🙂

All info about CodinHubs
Forum topic about CodinHubs

Anyone Can Be a Hero

You too are doing something special around CodinGame and would like to share it with the community? Don’t hesitate to share your story with us at!