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In the press
Developer jobs: Nearly a third of top tech roles remain empty, say recruiters
October 20, 2022
Despite hiring freezes and layoffs, companies of all sizes need software professionals – and there simply aren't enough to go around.
SheCanCode spotlight series: Questions about the lack of diversity in the tech sector
August 18, 2022
Women still account for less than 20% of the tech workforce. Women remain underrepresented in a sector that is a trailblazer for innovation yet cannot work out how to diversify its workforce.
Encouraging more women to study STEM subjects at university, and inspire them to consider a career in tech, would be a step in the right direction to address the gender imbalance. But the blame is not solely at the feet of education.
UK job vacancies fall for the first time in two years
August 16, 2022
Britain’s red hot jobs market is showing signs of cooling with the number of vacancies falling for the first time in two years, latest official figures reveal today.
Latest press releases
Continued tight jobs market sees 30% of developer positions remain unfilled due to not finding candidates
October 17, 2022
Despite talks of slowdowns, demand is still strong for highly skilled tech talent and a significant number of developer positions remain unfilled, according to a
Managing distributed tech teams across time zones: the CoderPad and CodinGame experience
July 20, 2022
In 2021, the American CoderPad and the French CodinGame joined forces to become a global leader in technical recruitment. In one year, the two experts
As tech jobs market worsens, businesses stuggle to adapt their hiring strategies
July 4, 2022
Businesses may be missing out on top tech talent because they are too set in their ways when it comes to recruiting, according to a
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