  • 31

What will I learn?

In this puzzle, you have to decode an image using the RLE (Run-Length encoding) format.

You perform basic image element extraction and pattern recognition.

You have to improve your algorithm to manage image noise and cancel it.


Focus on a Puzzle: Music Scores by CyberLemonade

Learning Opportunities

This puzzle can be solved using the following concepts. Practice using these concepts and improve your skills.


The first goal of this puzzle is to decode an image from a simple compression format. This image represents a music score and your code will then have to recognize all the notes printed on it.

A higher resolution is required to access the IDE


The Doctor is in danger again. A slightly evil alien is threatening to take control over his time and space -ship. As the notes of a melody ring into his ears, he knows that they represent his last chance. Quick! Help him find the notes to counter the strikes of the alien.

No need to know how to play Mozart for this puzzle, and nobody will hear how bad you sing.


This difficult puzzle is the second of the two exercises proposed for the challenge « Doctor Who ». Before you solve it, get warmed up with the same themed puzzle, « The Gift », easier to get started with.