  • 15

Learning Opportunities

This puzzle can be solved using the following concepts. Practice using these concepts and improve your skills.


This is a port of the board game Isola :

The source code of this game is available on this GitHub repo.

  The Goal

The goal of the game is to block the opponent's pawn.


  • The game is played on a 9 x 9 board.
  • Player 0 always starts at (0, 4) and player 1 at (8, 4).
At each turn:
  1. You must move your pawn to an adjacent tile (diagonal included) :

    You can't :
    • stay put
    • move to the tile occupied by the opponent's pawn
    • move to an already removed tile.
  2. Then you must remove a free tile.
    You can't remove a tile occupied by a pawn.
Victory Conditions
  • At his turn, the opponent can't move his pawn.
Loss Conditions
  • At your turn, you can't move your pawn.
  • You do not respond in time or output an invalid action.

  Game Input

Initialization input
Line 1: playerPositionX
Line 2: playerPositionY the coordinates of your pawn.

Input for one game turn
Line 1: opponentPositionX
Line 2: opponentPositionY the coordinates of the opponent's pawn.
Line 3: opponentLastRemovedTileX
Line 4: opponentLastRemovedTileY the coordinates of the last tile removed by the opponent ( -1 -1 if no tile has been removed (first round)).
A single line containing the coordinates where you want to move your pawn, followed by the coordinates of the tile you want to remove.
Example: 1 4 7 4
You can also add a message :
Example: 1 4 7 4;MESSAGE
NB : You can print RANDOM instead of the 4 coordinates. Then a random possible move and tile will be chosen.
Response time first turn is ≤ 1000 ms.
Response time per turn is ≤ 100 ms.

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