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Learning Opportunities
This puzzle can be solved using the following concepts. Practice using these concepts and improve your skills.
Capacitated Vehicle Routing
In the Vehicle Routing Problem, you must serve a
set of customers with a fleet of vehicles.
In the Capacitated variant, vehicles have a limited capacity.
You must find the shortest possible set of tours.
In the Capacitated variant, vehicles have a limited capacity.
You must find the shortest possible set of tours.
- The vehicles start from the depot (index 0) and must return to it.
- Every customer must be visited exactly once.
For each tour, the sum of the demands of the customers visited must not exceed the capacity of the
- The distance between two points is Euclidean, rounded to the nearest integer: dist(a, b) = round(sqrt((xa - xb)2 + (ya - yb)2))
Game Input
The program must first read the given inputs, then output a single line representing the vehicle tours.
Line 1: an integer n, the number of customers (+1 for the depot)
Line 2: an integer c, the capacity of the vehicles
Next n lines: 4 space-separated integers for each customer/depot
- index, the index of the customer (or 0 for the depot)
- x, the first coordinate of the customer or depot
- y, the second coordinate of the customer or depot
- demand, the customer's demand. The depot (index=0) has a demand of 0.
A single line containing the tours separated by a semicolon.
Each tour must be the indices of the customers separated by a space.
The depot (0) should not be included in the output.
Response time is limited to
Given the input of the first test case:
5 10 -> n = 5, c = 10
0 0 0 0 -> depot at (0,0) - no demand
1 0 10 3 -> customer 1 at (0,10) demand=3
2 -10 10 3 -> customer 2 at (-10,10) demand=3
3 0 -10 3 -> customer 3 at (0,-10) demand=3
4 10 -10 3 -> customer 4 at (10,-10) demand=3
Some example outputs in the correct format:
5 10 -> n = 5, c = 10
0 0 0 0 -> depot at (0,0) - no demand
1 0 10 3 -> customer 1 at (0,10) demand=3
2 -10 10 3 -> customer 2 at (-10,10) demand=3
3 0 -10 3 -> customer 3 at (0,-10) demand=3
4 10 -10 3 -> customer 4 at (10,-10) demand=3
Some example outputs in the correct format:
1 2 3;4
The first vehicle goes 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 0. The second vehicle goes 0 -> 4 -> 0.
The distance is dist(0, 1) + dist(1, 2) + dist(2, 3) + dist(3, 0) + dist(0, 4) + dist(4, 0) = 10 + 10 + sqrt(500) + 10 + sqrt(200) + sqrt(200) ≈ 80.6. -
4 2 1 3
The first vehicle goes 0 -> 4 -> 2 -> 1 -> 3 -> 0.
This solution is invalid: the sum of demands is 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 > c = 10. -
1;2 4;3 2
This solution is invalid: Customer 2 is visited twice. -
1;3 4
This solution is invalid: Customer 2 is not visited. -
1 2;3 4
This solution is valid and optimal.
The distance is dist(0, 1) + dist(1, 2) + dist(2, 0) + dist(0, 3) + dist(3, 4) + dist(4, 0) = 10 + 10 + sqrt(200) + 10 + 10 + sqrt(200) ≈ 68.3.
Some Tips
The VRP is a classic NP-Hard problem. Finding an optimal solution is incredibly difficult, so you should use
approximation algorithms - time to bring out your favorite metaheuristics!
- Have you already solved the Travelling Salesman Problem ? If so, maybe you can reuse your code: every vehicle tour is basically a small TSP.
About the Test & Validation Instances
- The 4 benchmark instances are from the CVRPLib, specifically sets A and M. Their known optima is used to give you the optimality gap. Feel free to use other instances from the library to tune your algorithms.
- Validation instances will be similar but different to prevent hard-coded solutions.
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