  • 789

Learning Opportunities

This puzzle can be solved using the following concepts. Practice using these concepts and improve your skills.



You are going to write a program to predict whether a specific usage pattern of electrical appliances will cause the main fuse to blow.

You have three pieces of data.
1. There are n appliances in a room, each of them has an electrical current consumption value.
2. A usage pattern. You will click the power buttons of a list of appliances in a sequence, at most m clicks. Each click on a button will toggle the power status, which means when the power is OFF, a click will turn it ON. Clicking it again will turn it OFF.
3. The capacity of the main fuse c in amperes [A].

The fuse will be blown if the sum of the consumed current of turned-on devices at some point exceeds the capacity of the main fuse c.

At the beginning, all appliances are OFF.
Line 1: Integers n m c, separated by a space
n is the number of devices, assume the devices have IDs from 1 to n
m is the number of button-clicking going to happen
c is the capacity of the main fuse in amperes [A]

Line 2: n integers, space separated, representing the electrical current consumption value of each appliance, listed from ID 1 to n

Line 3: m integers, space separated - a sequence of ID# you are going to click power buttons, that will toggle the device status in that exact sequence.
If the fuse was blown during the operation sequence, output one line:
Fuse was blown.

If the fuse did not blow, find the maximal consumed power by turned-on devices that occurred during the sequence. Output two lines:
Fuse was not blown.
Maximal consumed current was ? A.

Follow examples of test cases for the expected format.
n and m are below 100
c is below 10000
5 2 10
11 6 11 10 10
3 3
Fuse was blown.

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