  • 245

Learning Opportunities

This puzzle can be solved using the following concepts. Practice using these concepts and improve your skills.



As an FBI agent you intercepted a message from terrorists.
This message has to be decrypted, and to do so you have access to 2 pieces of information : P and C.

C is the alphabet used to write the message, and contains all the letters/characters needed to decode it.

P corresponds to the encoded value of the message.
Thankfully, you happen to know how this value is computed, and now need to reverse the following process :
- Assuming the alphabet is 'abcd', each letter is associated to its index : a = 0, b = 1, c = 2, d = 3.
- For the following values, a new letter is either added or switched :
- aa = 4, ba = 5, ca = 6, da = 7
- ab = 8, bb = 9, cb = 10, db = 11
- ...
- aaa = 20, baa = 21, caa = 22, daa = 23, and so on.
- The whole message gets a unique value this way. For example with a full alphabet (26 letters) 'hello' would be 7073801.

Get it done agent ! (Good Luck)
first line : an integer P, the encoded value of the message.
second line : a string C, the alphabet used for the message. Every character in the string is unique, and a space can be one of them.
One line containing the decoded message.
0 < P < 10^16

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