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Learning Opportunities
This puzzle can be solved using the following concepts. Practice using these concepts and improve your skills.
Calculate the equivalent resistance of a circuit containing only resistors.A resistor is a component used in electrical circuits. A resistor is quantified by its Resistance, which is measured in Ohms. We are interested in knowing the total resistance of a circuit of only resistors. There are two key definitions needed to determine the resistance of multiple resistors.
1. Series
The resistance of resistors in a line is equivalent to the sum of the resistance of those resistors.
Resistors in series will be noted with parentheses ( R_1 R_2 R_3 ... and so on ).
The resistance of a series arrangement is: R_eq = R_1 + R_2 + R_3 + ... and so on, where R_eq is the equivalent resistance of the series arrangement.
2. Parallel
The resistance of resistors in branching paths of the circuit is equal to 1 over the sum of 1 over the resistance of each branching path.
| |
---+ +---
| |
Resistors in parallel will be noted with brackets [ R_1 R_2 R_3 ... and so on ].
The resistance of resistors in parallel is R_eq = 1/(1/R_1 + 1/R_2 + 1/R_3 + 1/... and so on).
A branch can be treated as a single resistor by determining its equivalent resistance.
N = 3
A 24
B 8
C 48
[ ( A B ) [ C A ] ]
This will look something like this:
| |
+--+ +--+
| | | |
| +---[A]---+ |
| |
| |
Line 1: An integer N for the number of unique resistors present in the circuit
Next N lines: A space separated name and the integer resistance R of a resistor
Last line: A space separated combination of parentheses, brackets, and names of resistors
Next N lines: A space separated name and the integer resistance R of a resistor
Last line: A space separated combination of parentheses, brackets, and names of resistors
The equivalent resistance expressed as a float rounded to the nearest 0.1 Ohms.
0 < N < 10
0 < R < 100
0 < R < 100
2 A 20 B 10 ( A B )
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