  • 101

Learning Opportunities

This puzzle can be solved using the following concepts. Practice using these concepts and improve your skills.



"We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents." - Bob Ross

While creating mountains in ASCII, you realized that taller mountains could start off from the smaller ones, so why not make some more mountains?


- You will be given a list of the heights of mountain peaks along a row.

- The starting height is considered as 0.

- Each step of rise in altitude is represented by '/' and fall by '\'.

- Each peak consists of a rise and fall '/\' at the appropriate height.

- Once a peak has been drawn, proceed either up or down to the next peak. Do not return to 0 between peaks.

- After generating the mountains, end at height 0.

- You may need to draw below 0. Remember, mountains are made from a step lower than their peak. Example, for -1 :
\    /   
which demonstrates the tip of the mountain at -1 height, given that the starting and ending point are at height 0.

This is an extension of "Mountain Map":
Line 1: A single integer n representing the number of mountains
Line 2: n, space-separated integers that represent the height of each mountain in sequential order
An ASCII representation of the mountains where each rise in altitude is represented by '/' and fall by '\'.
(Output lines shouldn't contain trailing spaces)
0 < n < 15
-15 < height <15

Note: The height must always end at 0.
1 2 1
/\/  \/\

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