Inspired by the modular ship builder game "Droneboi" by Beau.
You've forgotten to save your drone, but fortunately have a snapshot of it!
Given a representation of a drone rotated 0° or 180°, rotate it back into the correct orientation of 0°, and compress it using Run-Length encoding.
Each character should be replaced by its corresponding tile name in the output.
However, junk tiles (any characters other than #, ^, @, +, and §, including newlines and spaces) should be ignored and should not interrupt the encoding.
The following are the valid tiles and their names:
- # Block
- ^ Thruster
- @ Gyroscope
- + Fuel
- § Core
Run-Length Encoding: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Run-length_encoding
Line 1: An integer X for the width of the grid.
Line 2: An integer Y for the height of the grid.
Line 3: An integer R that is either 0 or 1, corresponding to 0° and 180° rotation.
Next Y lines: A string of X characters representing the drone.
A string containing the Run-Length encoded data in the format #Tile occurrences Tile name, and followed by s if plural, separated by a comma and a space.
If no ship exists, print Nothing
14 > X > 0
14 > Y > 0
1 Gyroscope, 1 Fuel, 1 Core, 1 Fuel, 2 Thrusters