  • 495

Learning Opportunities

This puzzle can be solved using the following concepts. Practice using these concepts and improve your skills.



You are given a binary tree, where each node in the tree has two or zero children. If a node X has two children, they are called L Left & R Right children respectively. X is a Parent of L and R.

All trees have one root node, which is the only node without parent. All the other nodes have exactly one parent.

All tree nodes have assigned a unique number called index.
Given a tree and an index V, print the path from the root to the tree node with index V

A tree path starts at the root node, and it goes down by choosing the left or the right children until it arrives to the target value. Print the Left & Right elements from the path in a single line.

For instance, if we have the following tree.

/ \
/ \
2 \
/ \ 3
4 5 / \
9 \
/ \
6 7

For this sample tree, Node 1 is the root, the only one without parents.
if V = 5, the Tree Path is Left Right
if V = 7, the Tree Path is Right Right Right
if V = 6, the Tree Path is Right Right Left
Line 1: Integer N, the number of nodes in the tree.
Line 2: Integer V, the index of the target node.
Line 3: Integer M, the number of nodes with two children.
Followed by M lines containing three numbers P L R each:
P is the node index
L is the left children of P
R is the right children of P
A sequence of Left and Right commands in a single line, representing the tree path from the root node, to the target node V.

If the target node V is the root, print Root.
All N node indexes are unique and go from 1 to N.
All tree nodes belong to a single tree.

0 < N < 128
1 ≤ V, P, L, RN
1 2 3

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