- The car reaches the target cell
Space Maze
Difficulty : Very Hard
Community success rate: 4%
Approved by an anonymous CodinGamer RaulButuc an anonymous CodinGamer
A higher resolution is required to access the IDE
- 19
Learning Opportunities
This puzzle can be solved using the following concepts. Practice using these concepts and improve your skills.
The Goal
Advanced Details
You can see the game's source code on https://github.com/eulerscheZahl/SpaceJam.
- The car gets lost in space by moves on a void cell or by sending a platform with the car on it into orbit
You don't reach the target cell within
200 turns. - You do not respond in time or output an unrecognized command.
Initial input
Line 1: width: the width of the board
Line 2: height: the height of the board
Next height lines: the grid. A cell can be:
# for a void cell -
. for a ground cell -
0 for the target cell (exactly one such cell exists)
Line 1: entityCount, the number of entities in the game
Next entityCount lines: id, x, y, directions
directions is either
There are
width =
height =
Response time ≤
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