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Learning Opportunities

This puzzle can be solved using the following concepts. Practice using these concepts and improve your skills.



Survive 200 turns without letting your pit overflow.


You start with a pit, that is initially empty. Each turn you get a new tile and have to place it somewhere in your pit by dropping it at a given location. You can rotate the given tile before dropping it into your pit.
When you manage to cover a complete layer with blocks, this layer will be removed and all layers above will drop down.

For the set of available tiles see

  Expert Rules

You can find the source code of the game at


You can zoom in the viewer with your mousewheel, change the rotation by moving your mouse while holding your left button and pan with your right mouse button.

  Game Input

A block is given in the following way: width height depth shape.
The shape consists of width*height*depth characters, which are all either # (filled) or . (empty).
The characters are in order of z, then y, then x (that means, all cells with z=0 are given first and among those with y=0).


Let's have a look at the following block:

It has a width of 3 and a height and depth of 2 each. The shape is .##..###...., mapping the positions for (0,0,0) (1,0,0) (2,0,0) (0,1,0) (1,1,0) (2,1,0) (0,0,1) (1,0,1) (2,0,1) (0,1,1) (1,1,1) (2,1,1).
Input per turn

Line 1: the pit: pitWidth pitHeight pitDepth pitShape giving the size and the current state of your pit

Line 2: blockCount, the number of distinct rotations for your next block

next blockCount lines: the block: blockIndex width height depth shape. These shapes all represent the same block, just with different rotations.

A single line containing blockIndex x z denoting the rotation of the block according to the list of inputs provided and the shift in x- and z-direction.
For the Tetris testcase: pitWidth = 10, pitHeight = 20, pitDepth = 1

For all other testcases:
3 ≤ pitWidth = pitDepth ≤ 6
6 ≤ pitHeight ≤ 12
1 ≤ blockCount ≤ 64
1 ≤ width, height, depth ≤ min(5, pitWidth)

Allotted response time to output is ≤ 1 second for the first turn, 150 ms for later turns.

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