  • 6

Learning Opportunities

This puzzle can be solved using the following concepts. Practice using these concepts and improve your skills.



You are given a set of instructions S to fold a piece of paper and then cut off one corner of the folded paper. Your task is to determine how many holes are created when the paper is unfolded.

Folding Directions:

R: Fold the right half over the left half.
L: Fold the left half over the right half.
T: Fold the top half over the bottom half.
B: Fold the bottom half over the top half.

The paper can be folded up to seven times, and at least one fold is always performed.

Cutting Positions: Once the paper is folded, one corner is cut:

tl: Top-left corner
tr: Top-right corner
bl: Bottom-left corner
br: Bottom-right corner

Special Notes:

Indentations along the paper's edges after unfolding are not considered holes.
If no holes can be created (e.g., due to the folding pattern), output 0.
Line 1: A string S of 1 to 7 folding instructions (R, L, T, B) followed by a hyphen and a two-letter corner cut position (tl, tr, bl, br).
Line 1: A single integer representing the number of holes created after the paper is unfolded.
1 ≤ length of S ≤ 7

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