What will I learn?
In this puzzle, you compute a list of all possible actions from a complex environment that includes several variables. Your algorithm must be optimized in order to decrease the computation time of your algorithm. You will handle complex data structures like trees, to store a list of possibilities.
Focus on a Puzzle: The Bridge by accorpExternal resources
Associative arrayTreeTree traversalDepth First SearchBacktrackingLearning Opportunities
This puzzle can be solved using the following concepts. Practice using these concepts and improve your skills.
The goal of the puzzle is to drive a group of motorbikes along a road, avoiding holes and regulating your speed. This puzzle requires to predict all the situations the motorbikes can perform along the time and chose the most optimized choice.
A higher resolution is required to access the IDE
Take the control of the resistance against the machines. You have injected a virus in a motorbike and you have to send it onto Bobnet's core.