- 248
Learning Opportunities
This puzzle can be solved using the following concepts. Practice using these concepts and improve your skills.
Your goal is to write a program that can show the evolution of an Elementary Cellular Automaton! This is a one-dimensional binary system in which each cell (For example, consider the pattern:
In order to determine the next value for the 4th cell, we look at the neighborhood:
Since neighborhoods can have any one of 8 different values (
For example, a rule could state that neighborhoods that resemble
In this puzzle, the rule will be provided in the Input in the form of a Wolfram code (a single 8-bit number) where each digit in the binary representation of the code represents the evolution for the corresponding neighborhood.
For example, if the provided rule is the code
Neighborhood:111 110 101 100 011 010 001 000
Next value:0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
And so a neighborhood resembling
For further explanation, see:
Note: The system is periodic, or wrapped around, meaning that for the pattern [ . . @ . @ ], the neighborhood for the 1st cell is [ @ . . ], the 2nd is [ . . @ ], the 3rd is [ . @ . ], the 4th is [ @ . @ ], and the neighborhood for the last cell is [ . @ . ].
Line 1: A rule R provided as a Wolfram code.
Line 2: The number N of lines to output.
Line 3: The starting pattern to evolve.@ and . represent 1 and 0 .
Line 2: The number N of lines to output.
Line 3: The starting pattern to evolve.
N lines: The evolution of the starting pattern. The first line must be the starting pattern, itself, and the next N-1 lines represent the subsequent evolutions from the starting pattern.
0 ≤ R ≤ 255
10 ≤ pattern.length ≤ 50
10 ≤ pattern.length ≤ 50
254 5 .....@.....
.....@..... ....@@@.... ...@@@@@... ..@@@@@@@.. .@@@@@@@@@.
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