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This puzzle can be solved using the following concepts. Practice using these concepts and improve your skills.
Elliptic-Curve Cryptography (ECC) is a recent approach to asymmetric cryptography. Its main benefit is an excellent ratio between the level of security and the key size. For example, the NSA recommends 384-bit keys for a top-secret level encryption using ECC, while achieving the same level of security using RSA requires 7680-bit keys. RSA is currently mostly used with 1024-bit keys, which is equivalent to 160-bit keys with ECC (Ref #1).How it works
Given a prime number
Let us define an addition operator on the curve points (see Ref #3 for a visual illustration).
To double a point C: Consider the tangent to the curve at point C. Let (X,Y) be its intersection with the curve, the point S = 2C is defined as (X,-Y).
To add two distinct points C and D: Consider the line passing through both points. Let (X,Y) be its intersection with the curve, the point S = C+D is defined as (X,-Y).
Let us consider a starting point
Explicit formulas
To compute S = (Xs,Ys) = C+D given two distinct points C = (Xc,Yc) and D = (Xd,Yd):
L = (Yd - Yc) / (Xd - Xc) mod PTo double a point, i.e. when C = D, L becomes (here
Xs = L² - Xc - Xd mod P
Ys = L * (Xc - Xs) - Yc mod P
L = (3*Xc^2 + A) / (2*Yc) mod PNote: You will have to compute a modular division, a division modulo
Write an EC key generator: For each of the N given k values, you should provide the X-coordinate of the point k*
ECC security level: https://www.ripublication.com/ijaer17/ijaerv12n19_140.pdf
List of EC: https://safecurves.cr.yp.to
Maths on EC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NF1pwjL9-DE
Maths on EC: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliptic_curve_point_multiplication#Double-and-add
Line 1: An integer N, the number of keys to generate.
Next N lines: An hexadecimal integer k.
Next N lines: An hexadecimal integer k.
N lines: An hexadecimal integer X corresponding to the generated point X-coordinate.
1 < N ≤ 50
1 < k < 0x3000000000000000
1 0x2
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