Your goal is to find the minimum amount of steps from start to end in a maze with teleporters and jumps and return -1 if it's not possible to reach the end.
You will be given a maze with width x height cells
With symbols:
#: wall
_: empty cell
S: starting point
E: ending point
lowercase letter: teleporter entry
UPPERCASE letter: teleporter exit
<, >, ^, v: jump pod
How teleporters work: x -> X meaning when you step on the x you will be teleported to X. This does not mean when you walk over the X that you will be teleported to x.
How jump pods work: when you step on it, you jump 2 steps in the direction of the sign. You also jump over walls, but there won't be any out of bounds jump pods. Example: stepping on the > will make you jump 2 steps to the right, < to the left, ^ up, and v down. Letter v will not be used as a teleporter.
Allowed moves are Up, Down, Left and Right, no diagonal moves.
Line 1: width of the maze
Line 2: height of the maze
Next height lines: string describing a row in the maze
Single line containing the minimum amount of steps from start to end.
5 ≤ width ≤ 20
5 ≤ height ≤ 20