Meritis Places Code and Gaming at the Center of Their Recruitment Strategy

years of use
tests sent in 2020
recruitments per year
In an increasingly competitive tech job market, Meritis stand out thanks to their creative and “tech-friendly” hiring strategies. The consulting firm has partnered with CodinGame to optimize their recruitment through programming and gaming.
Represented by Sandy Julé and Carolane Guyon, the Meritis recruitment and marketing divisions have joined forces to place candidate experience center stage.
“Developers love the CodinGame platform.”
Sandy Julé
Recruitment manager for Meritis
Paris, France
Number of employees
IT consulting company
The challenge
Ambitious recruitment targets (30% team growth), a competitive market, and a lack of internal resources led Meritis to look for an external tool for recruiting developers.
Indeed, the HR team started looking for a tool that would allow them to evaluate candidates’ technical skills objectively. The company was also looking to enhance their employer brand and strengthen their involvement in tech communities.
The solution
Meritis started using our developer assessment platform in 2017.
Since then, the company has been doing all sorts of fun and technical things with developers in mind (co-workers and candidates alike): gamifying their recruitment, taking part in CodinGame competitions, and organizing a custom Clash of Code event of their own.
Sandy uses CodinGame Assessment daily. Thanks to our bank of existing questions, she was able to create relevant coding tests in near autonomy, and accurately assesses candidates’ technical skills.
“The fact that there’s a pre-existing bank of questions allows us to create tests in a simple way, without our consultants having to spend too much time on the process.”
Sandy Julé
Recruitment manager
The results
CodinGame solutions are now an integral part of Meritis’ recruitment and communication strategies.
What are the main advantages of the Meritis and CodinGame partnership?
- The optimization and acceleration of Meritis’ recruitment process
- The guaranteed reliability of candidate evaluations
- Fun and addictive coding events that federate programmers
In 2019, Meritis was able to hire 255 tech profiles (developers, solutions architects, big data experts, etc.) and organize numerous events.
+1000 companies worldwide have already switched
to CodinGame to create non time-consuming and efficient coding tests
Try it yourself for 14 days, 100% risk-free
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