Questions are reviewed by industry experts to ensure integrity, quality, and reliability

Question quality and integrity

Our questions pass stringent quality checks to ensure they’re a valid and reliable measure of candidates’ skills.

Content validation for hiring assessments

Verified validity and reliability

Our questions have been externally verified by a panel of experts for validity and reliability.

  • Tests verified as valid assessments of work behaviors, knowledge, skill and ability area for a variety of jobs.
  • Tests produce consistent and reliable results for an accurate and trustworthy measure of skills.
  • Questions are designed to be fair to all candidates to avoid adverse impact.

Fresh and original content

Relax knowing our question bank contains up-to-date content for today’s tech jobs.

  • Content is frequently updated to keep up with updates, trends, and customer needs.
  • All content is original and diverse—inspired by real world work challenges but also games and films.
  • Our community site, loved by 3 million developers, makes us experts in assessment gamification.

Expertise and quality control

Every question is created and quality controlled by experts in the field to ensure the highest quality of the question bank.

  • Multiple subject experts prepare questions that are realistic and accurate.
  • Each question is verified to be clear, unambiguous, and useful.
  • Developers quality control all questions in test conditions to fine-tune difficulty, duration, and wording.

Monitoring content

Our commitment to quality doesn’t stop once questions go live. We keep an eye on content to ensure it’s exceeding expectations.

  • Leaks are removed promptly and any compromised content is updated.
  • Use of technologies and questions is tracked to create new content for in-demand areas.
  • Candidates’ success rate, completion time, and feedback are monitored and questions are optimized accordingly.

Variety of question formats

Pick and choose from our 4000+ questions and build coding tests that are both engaging and effective.

  • Game-based coding exercises, to assess basic, language-independent skills in a fun way
  • Programming exercises, to get a better understanding of how your candidate thinks and problem solves
  • Multiple choice and text questions, to evaluate theoretical, technology-specific knowledge
  • Custom questions, to shape tests that fit your specific hiring needs

In-depth skills assessment

Save time and energy with hassle-free, yet thorough, candidate assessment.

  • Points-per-skills scoring for multifaceted evaluation (design, reliability, language knowledge, etc.)
  • Content tailored to junior, senior or expert positions
  • Automated evaluation of structure, reasoning, creativity, etc.

Test your tech stack

Mix and match questions to create tests that mirror the job requirements. Create a test that suits your tech stack.

  • Choose a job role to get relevant questions then narrow down further to your needs.
  • 70+ supported languages, frameworks and other technical skills.
  • Focus on problem solving skills with language-independent questions.
  • Questions available in English, French, and Spanish.