ManoMano Recruits 80 Talented Developers Per Year Using CodinGame Assessment

IT hires each year
ManoMano, European leader in online do-it-yourself, home and gardening, recruits 60-80 developers per year. Their tech team is made up of external contractors and 232 full-time developers, working in Paris, Bordeaux and Barcelona.
With CodinGame Assessment, ManoMano recruiters can quickly assess candidates’ technical skills, thereby saving precious time.
“CodinGame is an indispensable tool that we happily use. The platform allows us to evaluate technical skills and save time.”
Héloïse Berlucchi,
Talent Acquisition Specialist
Paris, France
Number of employees
Do-it-yourself, home and gardening
The challenge
After making a name for themselves in the B2C market, ManoMano took to the B2B DIY market. Since, the company’s team of talented programmers has been constantly growing, ensuring the development of the business.
Given the large number of applications they receive, ManoMano’s HR team needed a tool that would help them automate an initial selection of candidates based on their technical capabilities.
The solution
Today, every IT candidate is invited to take a personalized test on the CodinGame Assessment platform, designed to facilitate the selection of the best possible candidates.
The technical and recruitment teams have collaborated closely to design these customized tests. The CodinGame Assessment solution offers them a large-scale, systematic evaluation and follow-up of candidates.
Any candidate that answers more than 60% of the questions correctly, goes on to the following phase of the recruitment process. The test results are sent to ManoMano’s team of developers who study and approve them. Then, finally, it’s time to get to know the candidate!
The results
CodinGame tests have become an integral part of ManoMano’s talent recruitment process.
Recruiters use these tests to uncover hidden gems, developers that best meet the technical demands of their available positions. This saves them precious time and energy.
Once candidates’ technical skills have been validated, ManoMano can focus on getting to know the people behind the code, and continue their efforts to build diverse and well-rounded teams.
+1000 companies worldwide have already switched
to CodinGame to create non time-consuming and efficient coding tests
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